Our team ensures that all employees are compensated accurately and timely for their services.
Payroll Information
Existing Employees
- Employee Forms
- Pay Schedules
- Pay Statements - Available the Monday before pay day at portal.wvu.edu/staff. You must be connected to VPN or logged in to remote.wvu.edu to access.
- Payroll Deductions
Time Clock Locations
- Time Sheet [xls]
Contact Us
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact payroll@mail.wvu.edu.
Payroll Fax: 304.293.7266
WVU Research Corp employees can contact rctaxandpayroll@mail.wvu.edu for assistance.
All employment verifications, along with the employee's signed release form, are to be emailed to payroll@mail.wvu.edu. Please allow 1-2 business days for completion.
Employee Processing is now located in the Shared Services Department on the 3rd floor of One Waterfront Place. 304.293.6006